I have been to many, many events at the Weis Center. Last night in my opinion was one of the very best ever: Brazilian pianist Heloisa Fernandes Quartet! She is a fantastic composer and her touch can be as light as a feather, as smooth as velvet, run like a rabbit, and soar like an eagle. I can tell she writes from her heart and she, and her music touched my heart! She has three musicians accompanying her that are as passionate about the music as she is: Toninho Carrasqueira on flute, Sidiel Vieira on bass and Ari Colares on percussion. And I also can tell that the three of them are happily playing with passion from their hearts. All of them had fun and smiled so much during the concert, Sidiel hardly ever stopped smiling! What a joy to hear and be uplifted by these people playing.
I must comment how the performances in the Weis Center over the years have enriched my life and fed my spirit. It breaks my heart that Bucknell brings lots of the very best music, dance, and other performing arts from all over the world, right to our doorstep, and every seat is not full. Super inexpensive when I compare what they charge for a performance compared to what the same person or group would command at venues in New York, Boston, Baltimore, or DC.
At many of their events I meet people that drive as much as 3 hours one way and stay overnight to experience what happens right here in our own backyard.
Everything I have ever seen or heard here knocks my socks off. Whether it be jazz, classical, blues, bluegrass, plays, ballet, or modern dance. Everything is top-notch world-class!
Please people, pick some events that appeal to you and check it out. Hopefully, like me, you will never look back. I have gotten season tickets for many, many years, and it continues to enrich my life and feed my spirit. Come on folks, give me an Amen and show up!