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April 2nd, 2021

Weis Center Sessions #43: Colleen Hartung (Clarinet)

It’s time for another Weis Center Session! Today, we feature our treasured colleague in Bucknell’s Department of Music, clarinetist extraordinaire Colleen Hartung. Colleen Hartung is an avid freelance musician that has performed with the Allentown Symphony, the Williamsport Symphony, the Winston-Salem Symphony, Opera Roanoke, the Roanoke Symphony, and the Ashlawn Opera Festival Orchestra. She has also been a participant at the Banff Centre for the Arts’ Masterclass program with Wesley Foster. In 2014 Hartung premiered Ryan Woodward’s Suite for Clarinet and Violin with Marcus Smolensky at the International Clarinet Association’s Mid-America Clarinet Festival in Ohio. Along with colleague Stacie Thompson, […]

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March 26th, 2021

Weis Center Sessions #42: Sami Wurm ’22, “Wrong Guy” (Vocal Performance)

Welcome to our 42nd installment of Weis Center Sessions! Each Friday, we release a video that features a member of the Bucknell University community. Today, we feature Bucknell student Sami Wurm ’22 performing an original piece, “Wrong Guy.” Sami is an R&B/Pop singer, producer, and songwriter from New York. She is majoring in Computer Science and Multimedia Music Composition at Bucknell. She began singing when she was cast as the Tin Man in a local production of The Wizard of Oz at 4 years old, and after that, Sami grew up pursuing her love for musical theatre, performing in musicals […]

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March 19th, 2021

Weis Center Sessions #41: Flora and the Gleaners, “Flatbush Waltz”

Each Friday, we release a video that features a member of the Bucknell University community. This week, we are again featuring Flora and the Gleaners, which includes Flora Eyster-Newburgh on two silver flutes (Bass Flute in C and C Concert Flute), Mark Doncheski on acoustic guitar and Mary Hermann on acoustic upright bass. This time, they are performing the soothing and reflective tune, “Flatbush Waltz.” Flora shared that nine members of her family attended Bucknell over the decades. Flora worked at Bucknell for 9 years as the Biology Department Greenhouse Caretaker. She also worked for 2.5 years as the Native […]

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March 16th, 2021

Weis Center Snaps #5: Coach Pat Flannery, “For All Sports Fans”

The BIG DANCE is BACK this year!! And we KNOW you’re all working on those very important tournament brackets. Our Executive Director is picking her hometown team, #1 seed Illinois, for the National Championship. Who’s on your Final Four prediction? Any surprises? Upsets? Big wins? In celebration of NCAA March Madness, we thought you’d enjoy this Weis Center Snap talk, “For All Sports Fans,” by beloved Coach Flannery. Coach Pat Flannery has spent 60 years in sports, as a player, as a coach, and as a fan. What goes in to coaching? What goes in to sports? He discusses: Recruiting, […]

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March 12th, 2021

Weis Center Sessions #40: Isee Martine (vocals, cajón) and Aleah Spiro (vocals, guitar), “Hannah Hunt”

Welcome to our 40th installment of Weis Center Sessions! Each Friday, we release a video that features a member of the Bucknell University community. Today, we feature Isee Martine (vocals, cajón) and Aleah Spiro (vocals, guitar) as they put their own acoustic spin on the song “Hannah Hunt” written by Ezra Koenig and Rostam Manglij (of Vampire Weekend). Aleah is a sophomore at the University of Vermont (UVM), double majoring in Spanish and Environmental Studies. She has been playing the guitar since she was 12 with some formal lessons, but mostly taught herself. She has loved singing for as long as […]

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March 5th, 2021

Weis Center Sessions #39: Maren Snow, “Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard” (Guitar/Vocals)

Welcome to our 39th installment of Weis Center Sessions! Each Friday, we release a video that features a member of the Bucknell University community. Today, we feature Maren Snow performing Paul Simon’s “Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard.” Maren is the daughter of Judy Grisel (Professor of Psychology at Bucknell) and Jimmy Snow. She is a senior at Lewisburg Area High School and has been playing guitar and singing since she was 10. Maren is a member of the Uptown Music Collective in Williamsport. Recorded at and produced by the Weis Center for the Performing Arts at Bucknell University. […]

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February 26th, 2021

Weis Center Sessions #38: Ryan Flannery (Guitar) and Taylor Fleming (Piano), “Raise Four” by Thelonious Monk

Each Friday, we release a video that features a member of the Bucknell University community. Today, we feature Lewisburg natives Ryan Flannery on guitar and Taylor Fleming on piano as they perform “Raise Four” by Thelonious Monk. Ryan Flannery is a guitarist and Lewisburg native. He studied jazz performance at College of Charleston and graduated in 2016. Since then, he has been performing with jazz, pop, rock and funk groups up and down the east coast. Also, a lot of weddings. He spent several years as an educator at Black Tie Music Academy in Charleston, SC, and most of his […]

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February 24th, 2021

Weis Center Stream Now Available / This is Me: Letters from the Front Lines

The Weis Center’s third Weis Center Stream (virtual performance) is now live! This is Me: Letters from the Front Lines, created by DiavoloFebruary 24 through March 2 The Weis Center Stream includes a 25-minute pre-performance discussion with distinguished guests from DIAVOLO, Evangelical Community Hospital, Geisinger and Bucknell University. The contemporary dance performance is 35-minutes. FREE!Simply register at or call 570-577-1000. More info here.

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February 19th, 2021

Weis Center Sessions #37: Carl Kirby (Guitar) and Steve Catania (Mandolin), “Bésame Mucho”

Welcome to our 37th installment of Weis Center Sessions! Each Friday, we release a video that features a member of the Bucknell University community. Today we feature Carl Kirby on guitar and Steve Catania on mandolin performing “Bésame Mucho” by Consuelo Velazquez. Carl Kirby (guitar) is a Professor in the Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences. Steve Catania (mandolin) has produced instruments such as gourdolins, dulcimers, tongue drums, gourd kalimbas, and his invention Catpaws, a type of wooden spoon percussion instrument with a more civilized sound than metal spoons. Although Carl and Steve have played a lot of music together […]

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February 16th, 2021

Weis Center Snaps #4: Patrick Flannery, “Transferable Skills”

In this Snap talk, Patrick (Pat) Flannery, ’80, ’83 talks about transferable skills, highlighting three key areas for success in life: Be on Time, Ask Questions, and Don’t Run Off. Simple, yet profound advice. Pat talks about using your skills in every phase of your journey. Pat began at Stouffer Foods, taught college basketball for thirty years, and then spent 11 years with Bucknell’s Advancement team. Enjoy!

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