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Thursday, October 3rd, 2019

Performance Review: The Amazing Max

On October 2nd, the seats in the Weis Center were filled to capacity (1200!) with elementary schoolers from Mifflinburg, Milton, Danville, Lewisburg, and Millville as well as homeschool families, to watch Max Darwin, better known by his nickname “The Amazing Max,” showcase his mesmerizing magic tricks. From start to finish, the energy in the room was infectious and the audience was on the edge of their seats, spellbound by the performance.  Max’s ability to captivate the audience can be attested by the fact that nearly every hand shot into the air to participate when he asked for volunteers for his […]

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Friday, September 13th, 2019

Performance Review: Jazzmeia Horn

Jazzmeia Horn, jazz vocalist, shined on the Weis Center stage with her band this Thursday evening. Her energy was palpable and present in everything about her, from her vibrantly colored outfit to her wide vocal range and fast moving, upbeat tempo songs. The way she and her band members were able to interact with each other and the audience created a warm and intimate environment, in which the viewers were truly immersed in the performance. Horn’s songs were meaningful and inspired by her everyday life and experiences, such as searching for love and interacting with her active daughters. The passion […]

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Monday, April 1st, 2019

Performance Review: Aizuri Quartet- Intricate Machines

Aizuri Quartet: Intricate Machines performed in the Weis Atrium lobby last Sunday at 2 pm. The performance began with an introduction from two of the composers who chose the music for the program. Each piece of music is special in that they each inhabit a different musical space. Every song had its own unique, dimensional voice that intertwined with other songs, making each set unique and connected. The first song began soft, like a whisper, trickling across the notes. It’s a siren song; haunting and alluring simultaneously. A later song explored the “dimensions of the breath”, from rapid pants to deep […]

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Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

Performance Review: Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company

The Utah based Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company performed at the Weis Center on March 23. A prominent figure in the contemporary dance scene, Ririe-Woodbury pursues a mission to incorporate dance into everyone’s life through dynamic education and community outreach programs. Their program for Saturday night was comprised of 4 beautiful pieces; including “Excerpts From Exilic Dances”, “Opposite of Killing”, “Strict Love” and lastly “Storm”. Using minimal props and simplistic but elegant costumes, the dancers performed with a grace that casts a light on the spectacle of dance and the capabilities of the human form. The choreography feels rooted in the sheer […]

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Friday, March 8th, 2019

Performance Review: Kannapolis: A Moving Portrait

Accompanied by Jenny Scheiman on the violin, Robbie Fulks on the banjo, and Robbie Gjersoe on the guitar, Kannapolis: A Moving Portrait is a multimedia performance set against the movies of H. Lee Waters, who documented more than 118 small towns in the American southeast between 1936 and 1942. The score is originally composed by Sheinman, a testament to her dedication and passion for capturing the essence of the time period. Scheinman and filmmaker Finn Taylor painstakingly reedited Waters’ images to Scheinman’s music, creating a new movie that speaks to any community as much as to the towns where it was filmed. The history […]

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Friday, March 1st, 2019

Performance Review: Farruquito

Thursday, February 28th: The lights go down. A gold backlight glows, revealing the silhouette of a well-dressed man poised in position. From seemingly nowhere a guitar picks up a rhythm. Drums and sound of hands clapping add to the beat. Suddenly the music rises and the man explodes into dance. His footfalls shake the room as he flies in a whirlwind; his dance so fiery and beautiful it takes your breath away. The next 90 minutes go on to be one of the most spectacular international dance performances ever seen at Bucknell. Farruquito is a living legend. Son of flamenco singer Juan […]

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Saturday, February 23rd, 2019

Performance Review: René Marie

American songwriter and jazz vocalist René Marie performed on February 21st with her band featuring Quentin Baxter on drums, John Chin on piano, Elias Bailey on bass, and Randy Napoleon on guitar. Opening with “Turn the Page” by Bob Seger, Marie incorporated a variety of covers and original songs in her soulful performance. Marie proves that all musicians, at their core, are storytellers. She spins stories not just with her voice and musical accompaniment but with her breath, her body, her fingers and her feet. She falls into her music like a dancer, embracing the quirky high notes and deepest blues. […]

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Thursday, February 21st, 2019

Review: National Geographic Live “Ocean Soul”

“We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea – whether it is to sail or to watch it – we are going back from whence we came.” –  John F. Kennedy On Tuesday night, renowned underwater photographer Brian Skerry presented a jaw-dropping multimedia journey through the oceans of the world in Ocean Soul, a National Geographic Live! event. He led the audience from the glacial waters of the arctic, to the “deserts” of the open sea, to the predator infested waters of tropical coastlines. Skerry’s photography and impassioned storytelling also brought viewers face to […]

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Monday, February 11th, 2019

Performance Review: Yumi Kurosawa with guest Anubrata Chatterjee

Yumi Kurosawa and Anubrata Chatterjee blended together the expressive musical traditions of Japan and India in an incredible performance on Sunday, February 10th in the Weis Center atrium. The audience went on a journey of sound – from Vivaldi on the koto to Japanese edo period lullabies to Kurosawa’s original compositions. Kurosawa and Chatterjee’s collaboration speaks volumes to the unifying power of music. Their visionary compositions demonstrate the similarities between their musical traditions as well the unique characteristics of the Japanese koto and Indian tabla. Kurosawa is one of today’s most exciting soloists on Japan’s national instrument. Her many collaborations […]

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Friday, February 8th, 2019

Review: Sounds of China Performance

With all the energy of a rock band and the synchronism of an orchestra, Sounds of China brought a magical performance to Bucknell University on Thursday, February 7th. The Sounds of China Neo-Folk Music Group was founded in 2014 by artistic director Ma Jiuyue, one of the pioneers and initiators of Chinese neo folk music. The group is made up of young instrumentalists from China’s top conservatories and state-owned performing arts companies. With strong roots in traditional Chinese music, Sounds of China creates a harmonious blend of Chinese instruments— including the erhu (a two-stringed spike fiddle), liuqin (a four-stringed Chinese mandolin), xun (a globular, vessel flute), pipa (a plucked four-string […]

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