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Monday, September 10th, 2018

Performance Review: David Power and Willie Kelly Bring Traditional Irish Music to Weis Center Atrium

In the Atrium of the Weis Center, it’s a full house. The audience watches the sun set through the glass-panel walls as Willie Kelly and David Powers take their position on the stage at the base of the spiraling staircase. After a brief introduction by Kathryn Maguet the musicians lift their instruments and, without wasting another breath, begin to play, transporting the audience back into the history of Ireland. David Power of Ireland and Willie Kelly, a native of New Jersey, brought an uniquely Irish experience the Central Pennsylvania with their free performance on Thursday night, September 6th, at 7:30 […]

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Friday, August 31st, 2018

National Geographic Live: “When Women Ruled the World” with Egyptologist Kara Cooney

Egyptologist Dr. Kathlyn (Kara) Cooney, at first glance, seems like the female Indiana Jones. She studies a civilization so ancient it’s steeped in myth, travels the world, and speaks in forums at distinguished universities. But her work isn’t all about studying stories inscribed in coffins or translating hieroglyphics. In her National Geographic Live presentation “When Women Ruled the World,” sponsored by the Weis Center, Cooney asks a critical question: What can we learn from the women who once ruled Egypt as kings? Dr. Cooney is a professor of Egyptian Art and Architecture at UCLA. Specializing in craft production, coffin studies, […]

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Tuesday, April 17th, 2018

Diversity at Home with the Silkroad Ensemble

Our 30th Anniversary Season is nearing its close and Saturday, April 14 marked the final in-house performance with Grammy Award-winning musical collective the Silkroad Ensemble. Silkroad redefines classical music through the presentation and celebration of artists from different nationalities and musical traditions. The group is comprised of  over three dozen musicians representing countries like Korea, Kazakhstan, China, and the United States. On Saturday we were introduced to ten ensemble members who performed with instruments unique to their cultures including the Spanish bagpipe, the pipa, the violin, the piano, and the gong. Listing all of these instruments as a part of one […]

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Monday, March 5th, 2018

Lorelei Ensemble Dazzles Weis Center

The Weis Center is no stranger to hosting talented vocal performance groups. Artists representing diverse cultures and vocal styles have graced our stage over the years and while Thursday’s March 1 Lorelei Ensemble performance may fall in the “vocal group” category, the transcendent vocal magic created by the ladies of Lorelei belongs in a category of its own. Lorelei consists of nine all-professional female vocalists whose individual talents and experiences help to define the groups’ sound. Established in 2007 in Boston, Lorelei performs under the direction of artistic director and founder Beth Willer and has commissioned and premiered an impressive […]

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Thursday, February 8th, 2018

globalFEST: 2 Top-Notch Latin Music Acts Rock the Weis Stage in 1 Night

Music fans young and old were in for a treat Saturday evening Feb. 3 when globalFEST On The Road made its stop in Lewisburg. globalFEST is a nonprofit musical venture that puts on an annual New York City festival highlighting acclaimed artists of various genres from around the world. Formally titled globalFEST On the Road: The Golden Age of Latin Music, this winter 2018 leg is a curated touring program based off of that very festival and showcases artists Orkesta Mendoza and Las Cafeteras, coheadliners that evening, as well as Mariachi Flor De Toaloache, who rocked the Weis Center this past […]

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Wednesday, December 6th, 2017

Sweet Honey in the Rock: A Night of Holyday Joy

What a way to welcome the holiday season! Grammy-winning, all-women, African American a capella ensemble Sweet Honey in the Rock returned to the Weis Center (they performed in 1992) for a December 1 performance that had everyone “Celebrating the Holydays.” Founded in 1973, and with a few member changes over its forty years, Sweet Honey in the Rock has a mission to educate, entertain, and empower through powerful a capella vocal dynamics and American Sign Language. The current lineup consists of vocalists Carol Maillard, Louise Robinson, Nitanju Bolade Casel, Aisha Kahlil and Shirley Childress, an American Sign Language Interpreter who has […]

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Thursday, November 30th, 2017

First Hip Hop Happening Breaks Ground

In breaking with traditional concert norms, the Weis Center hosted its first ever Hip Hop Happening. This panel-performance brought to attention many of the political issues most commonly discussed in hip hop music in the past to lead the performers to speculate on the genre’s future in social action. Moderated by Manny Faces, a New York City based hip hop journalist and advocate, the Weis Center welcomed artists Amos Lachman, J Pope and two Bucknell University students Mansa K and Amarachi Ekekwe. Keeping with the themes of social action, the panel discussion opened up with a question from Manny surrounding […]

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Friday, November 10th, 2017

A Far Cry brings “The Blue Hour” to life

It is very rare to witness a multitude of moving artistic parts come together so ingeniously in the name of creating one body of work. This is just what occurred at the Weis Center on the evening of Thursday, Nov. 9 with an exquisite performance of a piece entitled the “The Blue Hour” by A Far Cry string orchestra and vocals from Brazilian jazz singer Luciana Souza. The piece was a creative collaboration that came to fruition from the works of five notable female composers – Rachel Grimes, Angélica Negrón, Shara Nova, Caroline Shaw and Sarah Kirkland Snider – and featured […]

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Tuesday, October 17th, 2017

Alonzo King LINES Ballet show the Weis Center a new form of dance

We welcomed the first dance performance of our 30th anniversary season Thursday, October 12 with a dazzling production by the Alonzo King LINES Ballet company. The San Francisco contemporary ballet company boasts dancers that move with such fluidity across the stage that one number seamlessly blends into the next. The show consisted of two acts that each contained one extended piece choreographed solely by King. The first piece, entitled Biophony, was an exceptional and unique collaboration between King, soundscape artist Bernie Krause, and composer Richard Blackford. The audio played during the piece was from Krause’s recording of various ecosystems and creatures from […]

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Thursday, October 5th, 2017

Anna and Elizabeth deliver a blend of modern and traditional musical flavors

After a busy and lively first month of performances in our uphill concert venue, female folk duo Anna & Elizabeth took the Campus Theatre stage in downtown Lewisburg at a nearly sold-out show. The duo channels their Appalachian roots and love for traditional music by delivering a modern, Americana twist that captivated the entire venue. These modern arrangements of old, maritime tunes with an interesting visual component create a unique arrangement that tests the limits of this often forgotten yet fundamental genre. The two started their performance with an old sailor’s tale supplemented by dynamic artwork to tell the story. […]

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